Saturday, August 8, 2009

Make sure your EPF Nominee info is updated

Dear All,

A reliable source informed me that our KWSP has recently upgraded their system and advised me to go check my nominee info to make sure that it is correct.

Alas.... true enough when I finally find time to go check, I was told that there was no Nominee stated for my EPF account. This means I need to submit the info together with a photocopy of my Nominee I/C..... again!

Malaysia Boleh! ٩(-̮̮̃•̃)۶ Please go check your EPF Nominee info ASAP, ya? ^_^

(extract from my forwarded email)

Info Sharing :

If One (1) of our Nominee in the EPF Nominees list decease, automatically
the whole arrangement (EPF Nominees list) is VOID. Meaning if, you only put
in One (1) name & unfortunately he/she dies before you - automatically EPF
will channel your EPF money to trustee of AMANAH RAYA upon your death.

Thou if, you DO have few names in the EPF Nominees list still - the whole
arrangement is VOID & none of the individual balance name in the EPF
Nominees list will get their potion & automatically EPF will channel your
EPF money to trustee of AMANAH RAYA upon your death.

Piece of advice - if any of the your Nominee in the EPF Nominees list
decease, please do immediately approach the nearest EPF counter & present
the Death Certificate of the individual & re-instate you NEW/LATEST Nominee
in the EPF Nominees list + NEW/LATEST percentage.

If , you & the other party (maybe spouse) involved in the same misfortune
(accident/illness) that caused death to both yourself/spouse
please.please. .please alert your siblings/relatives/ parents to immediately
approach the nearest EPF counter & share the information within 3 days to
AVOID all EPF money to be surrender to trustee of AMANAH RAYA.

Upon surrender to trustee of AMANAH RAYA, your children will have to battle
the money thru 3 channels;

Majlis Agama (Faraid & faster.)
Pejabat Tanah (don't ask me why.)
The normal period via above 3 channels usually takes 2-3 years (except if u
have inside/tip top connection) at Amanah Raya.


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