When you cook at home or eat fruits, take note of how much garbage do you generate from the process – before & after. What do you do with these “kitchen waste”? Throw away & generate more methane gas?
INTRODUCING…… Dr. Rosukon’s Garbage Enzyme
What’s that?
It’s a science project you can start at home with your vegetable & fruit waste to produce top-quality, safe & environmental friendly solutions that can replace the “harmful household chemicals” and……helps reverse the Green House Effect.
What can the Garbage Enzyme do?
1. Purify Air/Reduce Pollution
2. Purify Underground Water (from river to the sea)
3. Natural Pesticide
4. Anti bacterial and virus
5. Unblock your kitchen pipe & toilet bowls
6. Deodorizer (yup, this product of garbage helps clear the air)
7. For ironing & washing
8. Natural Fertilizer
Have I got you interested yet? :p
THE Recipe
You'll need :
(a) An Airtight Plastic Container (5KG cooking oil container will do)
(b) Brown Sugar/Molasses
(c) Water
(d) Vegetable/Fruit garbage (chop to smaller pieces)
The ratio for the ingredients in making Garbage Enzyme is:
1 part Brown Sugar
10 parts Water
3 parts Garbage
i. Mix brown sugar with water, add in the garbage.
ii. Leave some space for fermentation.
iii. Enzyme will form and ready to use in 3 months.
iv. Make sure the container is air tight.
vi. Push the floating garbage downward once a while.
vii. The enzyme is ready to use in 3 months. The residue can be reuse for the next production by adding fresh garbage. It can be use as fertilizer by drying the residue, blending and buried in the ground.
Important Notes:
-- Use a plastic container as there will be some gas build up.
-- MUST add sugar (find out why, Dr. Rose Explained: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFN1oOW4ebE)
-- Leave some space : The ingredients when added up should come up to about 80% of your container, thus 20% space is needed for fermentation. You may release the gas once in a while (some say once daily, some say once every week) in the first month during the fermentation process. After that keep it airtight till it reaches the end of the 3rd month when it is ready for use. Filter it into your bottles and use it on your household and those recommended.
I won’t go into too technical here. Find out more at:
++ http://www.o3enzyme.com
++ http://enzymesos.blogspot.com
or see video below
Use Garbage Enzyme to Save Our Earth
a) English Explanation
b) Chinese Explanation
Next..... How To Use?
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